Page Category: Forms and Fees

New Pharmacy Opening

(form must be submitted at least 30 days prior to opening)

Applications for certificates of operation for a new pharmacy must meet the requirements described in Part XIII of the Regulations of the New Brunswick College of Pharmacists. The operation of the pharmacy shall adhere to the requirements illustrated in parts XIV, XVII, XVIII, and XIX of these same Regulations. (Note: New pharmacies must be fully compliant with the NAPRA Model of Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Non-sterile Preparations on the day of opening.)

Before you begin the online application, please ensure you have an electronic version of the pharmacy floor plan that outlines the dispensary and the product self-selection area (Schedule III products).

Click on the following [link] to access the application form.


As written in the New Brunswick Pharmacy Act, 2014, Section 5(1)h, it is the duty of the New Brunswick College of Pharmacists to uphold and protect the public interest in the practice of pharmacy. The New Brunswick Pharmacy Act, 2014 and its Regulations are the basis for governing the practice of pharmacy in New Brunswick.

The New Brunswick College of Pharmacists issues certificates authorizing the operation of a pharmacy in New Brunswick. The Certificate of Operation is issued in the name of a pharmacist who is designated to have authority over and be responsible for the operation of the pharmacy. The registrant is referred to as the Pharmacy Manager and responsibilities are outlined in the Regulations (begin with Section 20, Responsibilities & Delegation).

Information relating to the registration of pharmacies in New Brunswick is outlined in Section 13 of the Regulations.

Pharmacy Standards of Operation are found in Section 14 of the Regulations.



According to a 2022 Canadian Pharmacy Mental Health and Workforce Wellness Survey by the Canadian Pharmacists Association, 48% of pharmacists experience abuse or harassment from patients at least weekly. We know that these encounters are stressful for all involved and can cause serious harm to the mental health and well-being of pharmacy staff and other patients.

CPhA has created two printable posters that you can display in your pharmacy as a visual reminder that aggressive behaviour is not tolerated and that your pharmacy team is here to help.

Practice Directives

Pharmacy Alert System

Pharmacy Closure Notification

Temporary Pharmacy Closure

For all temporary pharmacy closures, please complete the form below and return via email to 

Temporary Pharmacy Closure form [PDF]

Permanent Pharmacy Closure

Must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the closure

The closure of a pharmacy shall adhere to the requirements illustrated in sections 14.12, 14.13 and 14.14 of the Regulations of the NB College of Pharmacists.  

New Brunswick Pharmacy Regulation stipulates: “Every person who closes a pharmacy with the intention of discontinuing the operation thereof shall ensure :”

  • NBCP has been notified of the closure (30 days prior to the pharmacy closing where possible);
  • Client records have been preserved as required by law;
  • Client records have been copied to clients if requested;
  • Arrangements have been made to transfer prescription files to another pharmacy;
  • Orderly continuation of client care has been arranged;
  • Clients have been notified of arrangements for record retention, file transfer and accessibility;
  • Arrangements have been made with software vendor to freeze records to prevent changes;
  • The Certificate of Operation has been returned to NBCP for cancellation;
  • Signs, symbols and advertising relating to pharmacy have been removed from the premises; and
  • All drugs have been removed and disposed of according to law.

The Pharmacy Manager of the closing pharmacy is responsible for the storage and security of the records for the required period of time (as defined in the Regulations) unless the records are transferred to another person who agrees to assume responsibility for the records. The Pharmacy Manager of the closing pharmacy must notify NBCP of this transfer.

Click on the following [link] to login to your NBCP profile and access the application form.

Application for technical permit to administer injections (Technical Permit)

You must receive your Technical Permit to Administer Injections from the New Brunswick College of Pharmacists (the College) before administering injections to patients.

Prior to completing this application, you must:

  • Read and understand:

Policy: Administration of Injections

  • Have electronic version of the following ready to upload:
  1. Certificate of Completion of Stage II CCCEP accredited training program for Pharmacy Technicians


  1. If you are transferring your permit from another Canadian jurisdiction: Have requested supporting documentation from other Canadian Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities sent directly to the College.


Only pharmacy professionals currently on the Pharmacy Technician: Active Direct Client Care register are eligible for a Technical Permit.

  • All training programs must hold Stage II CCCEP accreditation. (immunization courses – CCCEP)
  • Application for a Technical Permit must be made to the College within one year of successful completion of the training program. If you completed a training program more than one year ago, please review section 4.3 of the Policy: Administration of Injections regarding retraining.
  • Technical Permits from other Canadian Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (PRA) are transferable to New Brunswick upon:
    • The College receiving supporting documentation (Letter of Standing indicating permission to administer injections) and:
    • Attestation of current competency through regular and ongoing use of the knowledge and skills requisite for the administration of injections and
    • All other requirements for application being met.

Note: Continuing competency in administering injections

  • Pharmacy professionals are responsible for periodically assessing their ability to perform competently when engaging in any aspect of the practice of pharmacy, including administration of injections. Pharmacy Technicians who have not administered injections for a period of three years must notify the College to have their Technical Permit revoked.
  • Pharmacy Technicians may reapply for a Technical Permit to Administer Injections by successfully completing an accredited training program recognized by the College on administration of injections by IM and SC routes.
  • Pharmacy Technicians must maintain their online profile with the College relating to Technical Permits.

Click on the following [link] to login to your NBCP profile and access the application form.

Conscientious Objection Action Plan

Background: This attestation form facilitates a member’s documentation of their Conscientious Objection (CO) action plan. The plan would commence in the event a patient requires care that conflicts with the member’s sincere and conscientious beliefs.

Purpose of the Plan:

  1. Developing your individual plan to manage CO within your practice provides you and your peers a process for dealing with a complex and high-stakes scenario in advance of the event.
  2. The plan assists members with CO to take action in the correct manner, at the correct time, with the correct people and for the correct reasons. (as written in the Code of Ethics)
  3. It also provides the College and by extension, the public with assurances that members holding CO have made definitive plans to protect patients through ensuring patients receive timely and judgement and barrier-free care.

This attestation must be reviewed and re-certified annually as well as at junctures of change to your belief system, peer supports, practice location or staffing levels, etc.

For further guidance on the topic please consult the latest version of the document, New Brunswick College of Pharmacists Commentary: Conscientious Objection. 

Click on the following [link] to login to your NBCP profile and complete the application form.

Change in manager

Change of manager requests must be submitted 30 days prior to change. 

Further information is available in section 14.3 of the Regulations of the New Brunswick College of Pharmacists.

Pharmacy manager profiles are accessible through the same login as your pharmacist profile. The change of manager is initiated by outgoing manager.

Click on the following [link] to login to your NBCP profile and access the application form.

  • Select “My pharmacies” from the left hand side of your profile page 
  • Select the pharmacy associated with manager change 
  • Select “Edit profile”
  • Scroll to bottom of page for pharmacy manager section and click ADD
  • Find incoming manager in search bar, select and add effective date of change in next bar
  • Hit submit
  • Pay fee (There is a fee associated with every manager change and payment is due at the time of submission.)

Once a form is submitted, an email will be generated and sent to both the incoming and outgoing managers, with declarations for review and approval.

Invoice will be available on your profile. 

Evidence of Time Service 

Evidence of time service must be submitted to the NB College of Pharmacists no later than two weeks following the completion of any time service period.

Login to your online profile to submit an Evidence of Time Service form.

*NOTE : If work was in another province, the pharmacy regulatory authority in that province must submit a letter on your behalf, confirming the completed time service in order for it to be considered for licensure in New Brunswick. 

Please contact the College if you have any questions about the registration process, or require additional information.

Click on the following [link] to login to your NBCP profile
and access the application form.

Apprenticeship Agreement 

After registration has been confirmed, an Apprenticeship Agreement must be submitted and approved by the NBCP before students begin a block of time service with an approved preceptor.   

Login to your online profile to Submit an Apprenticeship Agreement.

Preceptor qualifications are stipulated in Section 12.23 of the RegulationsPreceptors and students must read the Responsibilities of the Student and Preceptor document.

The student is responsible for submitting the required information to the New Brunswick College of Pharmacists. It is not the responsibility of the preceptor.

Click on the following [link] to login to your NBCP profile and access the application form.

Opioid Agonist Treatment Practice Directive (OAT)

The OAT Practice Directive establishes requirements for the safe and effective provision of treatment to patients with opioid use disorder. Pharmacies providing Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) must notify the New Brunswick College of Pharmacists through the pharmacy manager online profile. The holder of the Certificate of Operation of the pharmacy must ensure all pharmacy staff, including pharmacy professional locums, are familiar with and adhere to this practice directive.

  • Key Changes – OAT Practice Directive [LINK]
  • Documentation Templates – OAT Practice Directive [LINK]

Click on the following [link] to login to your NBCP profile
and access the application form.

Letter of Standing

An active or non-active registrant may request a Letter of Standing be sent to an organization, such as another Canadian Pharmacy Regulatory Authority (PRA), outlining their history with NBCP.

Click on the following [link] to login to your NBCP profile and access the application form.

Also any applicant wishing to license with the New Brunswick College of Pharmacist must request a Letter of Standing be sent directly to NBCP from any Pharmacy Regulatory Authority they are currently or have previously been licensed with. See Regulation 12.4(1) for more information. 


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