Mission & Values


Governing the practice of pharmacy for a healthier New Brunswick.


Respect & Integrity
Respectful of the individual.
Honest in all our dealings.

Accountability (to Public & Profession)
Uphold our mandate to regulate the practice of pharmacy and govern our registrants.
Evolution of the profession (practice) to improve public health.
Stewardship of self-regulation privilege and exercise fiscal responsibility.

Support & Empowerment
Have and make use of communication systems that provide members with information that relates to pharmacy practice.
Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and tools that will help members enhance their daily practice.

Being proactive in identifying and enabling improvements in pharmacy practice to better serve our public.

Work cooperatively with any party to achieve health improvements.

Open in what we provide and in our dealings with key stakeholders.
Able to stand up to scrutiny.

NB Pharmacy Act, 2014


Standards of Practice

NBCP Privacy Policy


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