As a regulated health profession, pharmacy is governed by the New Brunswick Pharmacy Act, 2014, Regulations, a Code of Ethics and professional practice requirements further guide the governance of the College and practice of pharmacy professionals.
Assessing the authenticity of a prescription
Assessing the validity of a prescription is a core function of pharmacy professionals. Pharmacy professionals must consistently use professional judgment when evaluating prescriptions whether they are delivered by telephone, paper or electronic means.
This guidance – Guideline: Assessing the Authenticity of a Prescription – applies broadly to assessing the validity of all prescriptions and references other legislation with which pharmacy professionals must also comply regarding prescription requirements.
Cannabis for Medical and Non-medical Purposes
- New Brunswick College of Pharmacists Cannabis Position Statement
- Destruction of Cannabis for Medical Purposes – Controlled Substances Directorate, Health Canada
Codeine – Exempted Codeine Products
Centralized Prescription Processing (Central Fill) Policy
The Centralized Prescription Processing (Central Fill) Policy (the Policy) sets out the expectations in the drug distribution process between pharmacies which are part of a centralized prescription processing agreement.
The Policy now encompasses requirements for situations where one of the pharmacies is located and licensed outside New Brunswick. Currently, this process is restricted to Nova Scotia since a Memorandum of Understanding has been established with the Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists. Please review the Policy in full to become familiar with this and other amendments to the Centralized Prescription Processing (Central Fill) agreement process. A snapshot of these is below:
Pharmacies in either province (NB/NS) may enter into Central Fill agreements across our provinces’ border.
There are two separate forms or agreements: A pharmacy must have a signed agreement when the Central Fill process involves another pharmacy licensed and located within New Brunswick and a separate signed agreement if a Central Fill process involves pharmacies in Nova Scotia (view the separate links below).
If a change occurs either to the pharmacy manager named on the Certificate of Operation or to the ownership of a pharmacy, new agreements must be signed with the current pharmacy manager in place and submitted to the NB College of Pharmacists.
- Click here for the Policy
- Centralized Prescription Processing Agreement for pharmacies in New Brunswick
- Centralized Prescription Processing Agreement for pharmacies in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics supports the mission of the College Governing the practice of pharmacy for a healthier New Brunswick and outlines a framework for ethical decision making.
Collaborative Practice
The New Brunswick Pharmacy Act, 2014 allows pharmacists to practice under a Collaborative Practice Agreement with other health professions. The pharmacist(s) may participate in the practice of ordering, managing and modifying drug therapy according to a written collaborative practice agreement between the pharmacists and authorized prescribers who are responsible for the patient’s care.
- Collaborative Practice Policy
- Collaborative Practice Agreement form
- Collaborative Practice Request for Letter of Collaboration
Common Ailments (Assessing and Prescribing)
Prior to incorporating activities that relate to Common Ailments into practice, pharmacy professionals must declare to have participated in Common Ailments Orientation (attended in person or have read the accompanying document). Pharmacy professionals are then able to notify the New Brunswick College of Pharmacists through a link on their online profile.
New Brunswick pharmacists may prescribe a drug, treatment or device for the treatment of a condition listed in Appendix 2 of the Regulations. Regulations 21.8(1) and 21.8(2) describe this authority in more detail.
- Guidance: Assessing and Prescribing for Contraception Management
- Guidance: Assessing and Prescribing for Group A Streptococcal (GAS)
Pharyngitis - Guidance: Assessing and Prescribing for Lyme Disease Prophylaxis
- Guidance: Assessing and Prescribing for Treatment of Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
When searching the College’s online Directory of Pharmacy Professionals, authorization for Common Ailments is indicated next to the pharmacy professional’s name and registration number.
For further information, please visit the Government of New Brunswick Pharmacy Services website.
Compliance Packaging
Sterile Preparations
- Model Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Hazardous Sterile Preparations (PDF)
- Model Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Non-hazardous Sterile Preparations (PDF)
Non-sterile Preparations
- Model Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Non-sterile Preparations (PDF)
- Guidance Document for Pharmacy Compounding of Non-sterile Preparations (PDF)
Compounding – Further Guidance
- Assessing Knowledge and Technique when Compounding
- Manufacturing and Compounding drug products (Health Canada)
Emergency Preparedness
- Business Continuity Planning checklist (Template)
- Business Continuity Plan (Template in Excel)
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resources
Application must be made to the College within one year of successful completion of an approved training program.
Pharmacists on the Active: Direct Client Care register may administer injections in accordance with Regulations (22.3-22.5), the Model Standards of Practice for Canadian Pharmacists, and the Policy: Administration of Injections.
Pharmacy Technicians
Pharmacy Technicians on the Active: Direct Client Care register may administer injections, while under the routine supervision of a pharmacist on the Direct Client Care register (with authorization to administer injections). This is in accordance with Regulations 22.3-22.5, the Model Standards of Practice for Canadian Pharmacy Technicians and the Policy: Administration of Injections.
- Application for authorization to administer injections [Pharmacists]
- Application for a Technical Permit to Administer Injections
- FAQ – Pharmacy Technicians and injections
Mandatory Medication Incident Reporting (MMIR)
- New Brunswick College of Pharmacists MMIR Practice Directive
- Community Pharmacy Reporting and Learning (ISMP)
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)
Canadian MAiD Data Collection Portal
Regulations for the Monitoring of MAiD
Opioid Agonist Treatment Practice Directive (OAT)
The OAT Practice Directive establishes requirements for the safe and effective provision of treatment to patients with opioid use disorder. Pharmacies providing Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) must notify the New Brunswick College of Pharmacists through the pharmacy manager online profile. The holder of the Certificate of Operation of the pharmacy must ensure all pharmacy staff, including pharmacy professional locums, are familiar with and adhere to this practice directive.
- Notification to the College link for hospital manager and link for community manager
- Key Changes – OAT Practice Directive [LINK]
- Documentation Templates – OAT Practice Directive [LINK]
Pharmacy Closure
Pharmacy Practice Management Systems (PPMS) [NAPRA]
Pharmacy practice management systems are a critical part of the infrastructure needed for effective compliance with standards of practice for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and standards for the operation of pharmacies. The National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) has facilitated the development of a series of essential requirements considered to be the minimum standard for pharmacy practice management systems (PPMS). The New Brunswick College of Pharmacists adopted these requirements in February, 2014.
Point of Care Testing in Pharmacies
A point of care test (POCT) is defined as a form of test where a specimen is collected from a patient by a health-care professional and analyzed rapidly at the site of patient care.
Prescription Locker
This policy provides information on the use of Prescription Lockers in pharmacies, such that
requirements for safety, accuracy, security and patient confidentiality are achieved.
Quality Management Program (QMP)
A documented, ongoing Quality Management Program supports the safe practice of pharmacy, for the benefit of practitioners and patients, and also facilitates adherence to professional standards and requirements of pharmacy legislation in New Brunswick. As per Regulation 14.2, the pharmacy manager named on the Certificate of Operation is responsible for the implementation of and adherence to the QMP.
Travel Medicine: Prescribing of Restricted Vaccines
Before a pharmacist prescribes vaccines for one of the diseases listed in Appendix 2, Section 3 of the Regulations, they must successfully complete The International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) certification in Travel Health.