
As written in the New Brunswick Pharmacy Act, 2014, Section 5(1)h, it is the duty of the New Brunswick College of Pharmacists to uphold and protect the public interest in the practice of pharmacy. The New Brunswick Pharmacy Act, 2014 and its Regulations are the basis for governing the practice of pharmacy in New Brunswick.

The New Brunswick College of Pharmacists issues certificates authorizing the operation of a pharmacy in New Brunswick. The Certificate of Operation is issued in the name of a pharmacist who is designated to have authority over and be responsible for the operation of the pharmacy. The registrant is referred to as the Pharmacy Manager and responsibilities are outlined in the Regulations (begin with Section 20, Responsibilities & Delegation).

Information relating to the registration of pharmacies in New Brunswick is outlined in Section 13 of the Regulations.

Pharmacy Standards of Operation are found in Section 14 of the Regulations.



According to a 2022 Canadian Pharmacy Mental Health and Workforce Wellness Survey by the Canadian Pharmacists Association, 48% of pharmacists experience abuse or harassment from patients at least weekly. We know that these encounters are stressful for all involved and can cause serious harm to the mental health and well-being of pharmacy staff and other patients.

CPhA has created two printable posters that you can display in your pharmacy as a visual reminder that aggressive behaviour is not tolerated and that your pharmacy team is here to help.

Practice Directives

Pharmacy Alert System

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