Pharmacy Workplace Wellness Task Force Report of Recommendations


The New Brunswick College of Pharmacists (the College) exists to regulate the practice of pharmacy in this province and make decisions that are in the public’s best interest. The College is committed to aligning the scope of practice of pharmacy professionals with patient care needs and considers whether there is capacity within the profession to take on more of the primary care services safely. Addressing pharmacy professional well-being is therefore vital to ensuring the continued safe and quality delivery of patient care and the sustainability of the profession.

As part of this commitment, the College’s Council directed that the Pharmacy Workplace Wellness Task Force (the Task Force) be formed earlier this year to examine the impacts of the workplace environment on pharmacy professionals and the public in this province. The College published a call for interest from all pharmacy professionals and the public to participate in the Task Force. The group who first met in March 2023 and concluded their work in June 2023 was made up of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians from various pharmacy settings, members of the public, appointed representatives and College staff members [Task Force Terms of Reference].

Through the Task Force, the College was able to hear directly from practitioners and members of the public in our province about what they think are some opportunities to improve the current pharmacy working environment. The recommendations put forth in this report were discussed by the Task Force who agreed by consensus that these be presented to the College’s Council for consideration. With the firsthand knowledge and feedback from the Task Force, the College is now prepared to take action that is applicable to New Brunswick and is committing to it through the strategic plan and annual operational planning beginning next year and in the years that follow.

Other provincial and national pharmacy regulatory bodies or professional associations have begun to address pharmacy professional well-being in various ways and the College continues to monitor these closely for potential future application in New Brunswick. 

Read the report here

The New Brunswick College of Pharmacists has a duty to promote and protect the well-being of the public through regulation and development of the profession of pharmacy. This and other responsibilities are outlined in the New Brunswick Pharmacy Act, 2014. The 2023 Strategic Plan was created to set out a five-year plan that reflects these duties and is a tool that the College’s Council uses to measure progress towards the College vision of being a trusted, responsive leader that collaborates with health system partners, empowers the pharmacy profession, and supports evolving patient care needs of New Brunswickers.

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